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Type: Articles
Published: 2006-08-17
Page range: 37–47
Abstract views: 111
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Remarks on the Macrobiotus polyopus group, with the description of two new species (Eutardigrada, Macrobiotidae)

Department of Animal Biology “Marcello La Greca”, University of Catania, Via Androne 91, 95124 Catania, Italy
Tardigrada Macrobiotus polyopus group Macrobiotus insularis sp. n. Macrobiotus ocotensis sp. n.


Some problems are discussed concerning Macrobiotus polyopus Marcus, 1928 and its geographic distribution, and two new species are described: M. insularis sp. n. from Andaman Islands (attributed to M. polyopus by Maucci & Durante Pasa (1980)), and M. ocotensis sp. n. from southern Mexico. The validity of M. mandalaae Pilato, 1974 is confirmed. The hypothesis is advanced that also the Brazilian specimens recorded by de Barros (1942) do not belong to M. polyopus but to a different, probably undescribed, species.


  1. Barros, R. de (1942) Tardigrados do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil. II Gênero Macrobiotus. Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 2, 4, 273–386.

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    Marcus, E. (1928) Bärtierchen (Tardigrada). In: Dahl, F. (ed.): Die Tierwelt Deutschlands und der angrenzenden Meeresteile. Gustav Fischer, Jena, 12, IV, 1–230.

    Maucci, W. & Durante Pasa, M.V. (1980) Tardigradi muscicoli delle Isole Andamane. Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona, VII, 281–291

    McInnes, S. J. (1994) Zoogeographic distribution of terrestrial/freshwater tardigrades from current literature. Journal of Natural History, 28, 257–352.

    Pilato, G. (1974) Tre nuove specie di tardigradi di Cina. Animalia, 1, 59–68.

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    Pilato, G. (1984) Sul valore di buona specie di Macrobiotus mandalaae Pilato, 1974 (Eutardigrada). Animalia, 11, 17–21

    Ramazzotti, G. & Maucci, W. (1983) Il phylum Tardigrada. Memorie dell’Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia, 41, 1–1012.