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Published: 2007-05-31
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An annotated check list of the world’s whiteflies (Insecta: Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)

Department of Entomology, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK
CSIRO Entomology, GPO Box 1700, Canberra, ACT 2601
Hemiptera whiteflies world check list nomenclatural changes type localities synonymies


An updated check list of the world’s extant whitefly species is presented, comprising 1556 accepted species names in 161 genera, together with a further 210 species-group names and 40 genus-group names in synonymy. 13 nomina nuda, seven nomina dubia and six species now formally excluded from the Aleyrodidae are listed. Nomenclatural changes introduced here are 10 new generic and 10 new specific synonymies, together with 23 new combinations, seven new replacement names for junior homonyms and one revived original combination. Three subfamilial names are available in the Aleyrodidae, most species being placed in the Aleyrodinae or Aleurodicinae. The controversial third subfamily, Udamoselinae, is briefly discussed. For species currently regarded as valid, only the original and current combinations are given, with authorities. Original countries of description are given, here updated to reflect current geopolitical boundaries, but distributions and biological data are not given. An index to all names is provided.


  1. Ardaillon, J.B. & Cohic, F. (1970) Notes sur quelques aleurodes de la forêt du Banco (Côte d’Ivoire). Annales de l’Université d’Abidjan (Entomologie), 3, 269–283.

    Ashby, S.F. (1915) Notes on diseases of cultivated crops observed in 1913–1914. Bulletin of the Department of Agriculture, Jamaica, 2, 299–327.

    Ashmead, W.H. (1885) The orange Aleurodes (Aleurodes citri n. sp.). Florida Dispatch, 2, 704.

    Ashmead, W.H. (1893) Monograph of the North American Procotrypidae. Amitus Haldemann. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 45, 292–294.

    Ashmead, W.H. (1895) Notes on cotton insects found in Mississippi. Insect Life, Washington, 7, 323.

    Baerensprung, F.V. (1849) Beobachtungen über einige einheimische Arten aus der Familie der Coccinen. Pp. 165–176. In Alton J.S.E. d’ (Ed.) Zeitung für Zoologie, Zootomie, und Palaeozoolgie. Leipzig, 1848–1849, 1–212.

    Back, E.A. (1912) Notes on Cuban whiteflies with descriptions of two species. Canadian Entomologist, 44, 145–153.

    Bailey, P.T., Martin, J.H., Noyes, J.S. & Austin, A.D. (2001) Taxonomy and biology of a new species of Zaphanera (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and its association with the widespread death of Western Myall trees, Acacia papyrocarpa, near Roxby Downs, South Australia. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia, 125, 83–96.

    Baker, A.C. (1923) An undescribed orange pest from Honduras. Journal of Agricultural Research, 25, 253–254.

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    Bellows, T.S. Jr, Perring, T.M., Gill, R.J. & Headrick, D.H. (1994) Description of a Species of Bemisia (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 87, 195–206.

    Bemis, F.E. (1904) The aleyrodids or mealy-winged flies of California with reference to other American species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 27, 471–537.

    Berger, E.W. (1909) Whitefly studies in 1908. Bulletin. Florida Agricultural Experiment Station. Gainesville, 97, 43–71.

    Bink-Moenen, R.M. (1976) A new whitefly of Erica tetralix: Trialeurodes ericae sp. n. (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae). Entomologische Berichten, 36, 17–19.

    Bink-Moenen, R.M. (1983) Revision of the African whiteflies (Aleyrodidae). Monografieën van de Nederlandse Entomologische Vereniging. Amsterdam, 10, 1–211.

    Bink-Moenen, R.M. (1989) A new species and new records of European whiteflies (Homoptera: Aleyodidae) from heathers (Erica spp.). Entomolgist’s Gazette, 40, 173–181.

    Bink-Moenen, R.M. (1991) Comparisons between Neopealius rubi and Bemisia tabaci in Europe (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Entomologische Berichten, 51, 29–37.

    Bink-Moenen, R.M. (1992) Whitefly from Mediterranean evergreen oaks (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Systematic Entomology, 17, 21–40.

    Bink-Moenen, R.M. & Gerling, D. (1992 “1990”) Aleyrodidae of Israel. Bolletino del Laboratorio di Entomologia Agraria ‘Filippo Silvestri’, 47, 3–49.

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    Blanchard, E.E. (1918) Una nueva especie de ‘Aleurothrixus’ (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae). Physis. Buenos Aires, 4, 344–347.

    Bondar, G. (1922) Insectos damninhos e molestias do coqueiro no Brazil. Official State Publisher. Bahia, 113 pp.

    Bondar, G. (1923) Aleyrodideos do Brazil. Official State Publisher. Bahia, 183 pp.

    Bondar, G. (1928) Aleyrodideos do Brazil. (2a contribuiçao). Boletim do Laboratorio de Pathologia Vegetal do Estado da Bahia, 5, 1–37.

    Bondar, G. (1931) Uma nova praga das laranjeiras. O Campo, 2, 24.

    Boselli, F.B. (1930) Psyllidi di Formosa raccolti dal Dr. R. Takahashi. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della R. Scuola Superiore d’Agricoltura. Portici, 24, 175–210.

    Boselli, F.B. (1930) Descrizione di una triozina galligena su agrumi in Eritrea. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia Generale e Agraria della R. Scuola Superiore d’Agricoltura. Portici, 24, 228–232.

    Bouché, J. Fr. (1851) Beschreibung zwei neuer Arten der Gattung Aleurodes. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. Stettin, 12, 108–110.

    Britton, W.E. (1905) Some new or little known Aleyrodidae from Connecticut – I. Entomological News, 16, 65–67.

    Britton, W.E. (1907) Some new or little known Aleyrodidae from Connecticut – III. Entomological News, 18, 337–342.

    Buckton, G.B. (1900) Description of a new species of Aleurodes destructive to betel. Indian Museum Notes, 5, 36.

    Capener, A.L. (1970) Southern African Psyllidae (Homoptera) – 1: A check list of species recorded from South Africa with notes on the Pettey collection. Journal of the Entomological Society of South Africa, 33, 195–200.

    Carapia-Ruiz, V.E., Gonzalez-Hernandez, H., Romero-Napoles, J., Ortega-Arenas, L.D. & Koch, S.D. (2003) Descripción de dos nuevos especies de Trialeurodes (Cockerell) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) y clave para les especies de México. Acta Zoologica Mexicana (N.S.), 90, 93–101.

    Carvalho, M.B., Arruda, E.C. & Arruda, G.P. (1976) Uma possível raça hospedeira do Aleurodicus cocois (Curtis, 1846) (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae). Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil. Itabuna, 5, 243–245.

    Carver, M. & Reid, I.A. (1996) Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha) of Australia. Systematic catalogue, host plant spectra, distribution, natural enemies and biological control. Technical Paper, CSIRO Entomology. Canberra, 37, 1–55.

    Cassino, P.C.R. (1991) Nova espécie de aleirodídeo associado a Citrus spp., no Brasil (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae). Anais da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil. Itabuna, 20, 193–198.

    Chen, C.-H. & Ko, C.-C. (2006) Lipaleyrodes emiliae, a new species of whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from Taiwan and Hong Kong. Zootaxa, 1331, 31–54.

    Chen, L. (1997) Study on biological characters of Photinia whitefly, Aleurodicus photiniae Young (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Journal of Shanghai Agricultural College, 15, 137–143.

    Chen, Y.-F. & Ko, C.-C. (2007) Singhiella melanolepis, a new species of whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from Taiwan with remarks on the genus Singhiella Sampson. Zootaxa, 1390, 1–16.

    Chopra, R.L. (1928) Experiments in entomology and sericulture. Annual report of the entomologist to government, Punjab, Lyallpur, for the year 1926-27. Part II. Report of the Department of Agriculture, Punjab, 1, 43–69.

    Chou, I & Yan, F. (1988) New species and new records of Aleyrodidae (Homoptera) from China. Entomotaxonomia, 10, 243–246.

    Cockerell, T.D.A. (1893) A third species of Aleurodicus. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine, 29, 105–106.

    Cockerell, T.D.A. (1896) New species of insects taken on a trip from the Mesilla Valley to the Sacramento Mts, New Mexico. Aleurodidae. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 4, 207.

    Cockerell, T.D.A. (1896) A Mexican Aleurodicus. Canadian Entomologist, 28, 302.

    Cockerell, T.D.A. (1897) A new Aleurodes found on Aquilegia. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 5, 42.

    Cockerell, T.D.A. (1897) A new Aleurodes on Rubus from Florida. Journal of the New York Entomological Society, 5, 96–97.

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    Cockerell, T.D.A. (1898) A new Aleurodes on oak. Canadian Entomologist, 30, 264.

    Cockerell, T.D.A. (1898) Three new Aleurodidae from Mexico. Psyche. Cambridge (Massachusetts), 8, 225–226.

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    Cockerell, T.D.A. (1902) The classification of the Aleyrodidae. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 54, 279–283.

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    Cockerell, T.D.A. (1910) A new Aleyrodes on bearberry. Canadian Entomologist, 42, 171–172.

    Cockerell, T.D.A. (1910) A new Aleyrodes on Ambrosia. Canadian Entomologist, 42, 370–371.

    Cockerell, T.D.A. (1911) An Aleyrodes on Euphorbia and its parasite. Entomological News, 22, 462–464.

    Cohic, F. (1959) Contribution à l’étude des aleurodes de Nouvelle-Calédonie [Hom.] Orchamus dumbletoni n. sp. Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France, 64, 130–136.

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    Cohic, F. (1969) Contribution à l’étude des aleurodes africains (5e Note). Annales de l’Université d’Abidjan (Entomologie), 2, 1–156.

    Corbett, G.H. (1926) Contribution towards our knowledge of the Aleyrodidae of Ceylon. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 16, 267–284.

    Corbett, G.H. (1927) Three new aleyrodids on coconuts in Malaya. Malayan Agricultural Journal, 15, 24–25.

    Corbett, G.H. (1933) Aleurodidae of Malaya. Stylops, 2, 121–129.

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    Danzig, E.M. (1964) The whiteflies (Homoptera, Aleyrodoidea) of the Caucasus. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 43, 633–646. [English translation in Entomological Review. Washington, 43, 325–330.]

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    Danzig, E.M. (1969) On the fauna of the whiteflies (Homoptera, Aleyrodoidea) of Soviet Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 48, 868–880. [English translation in Entomological Review. Washington, 48, 552–559.]

    Danzig, E.M. (1980) On the nomenclature and synonymy of several species of scale insects and whiteflies (Homoptera: Coccinea, Aleyrodinea) Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 59, 594–595. [English translation in Entomological Review. Washington, 59, 73–74.]

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    Danzig, E.M. (2004) Aleyrodes borchsenii Danzig, 1966 is a junior synonym of A. lonicerae Walker, 1852 (Homoptera, Aleyrodidae). Zoosystematica Rossica, 13, 114.

    Danzig, E.M. & Gavrilov (2000) A new species of whiteflies (Homoptera, Aleyrodinea) from central Russia. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 79, 10–11.

    Danzig, E.M. & Gavrilov (2002) On synonymy of Asterobemisia mediorossica Danzig & Gavrilov (Homoptera, Aleyrodinea). Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie, 81, 340–342.

    David, B.V. (1972) Two new species of Odontaleyrodes Takahashi (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) from India. Oriental Insects, 6, 309–312.

    David, B.V. (1973) Description of a new genus Russellaleyrodes (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) for Dialeuropora cumiugum (Singh, 1932) from Burma. Madras Agricultural Journal, 60, 557–558.

    David, B.V. (1974) Description of a new genus, Moundiella, for Trialeurodes megapapillae Singh (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Oriental Insects, 8, 43–45.

    David, B.V. (1974) A new host for the aleyrodid, Zaphanera publicus (Singh). Science & Culture. Calcutta, 40, 115.

    David, B.V. (1976) A new species of the genus Aleuromarginatus Corbett (Aleyrodidae, Hemiptera) from India. Entomon. Kariavattom, 1, 85–86.

    David, B.V. (1976) On a new species of leaf pit-gall forming aleyrodid and Aleurotuberculatus hexcantha (Singh) comb. nov. (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera). Record of the Zoological Survey of India, 69, 261–265.

    David, B.V. (1977) A new species of Aleurotuberculatus Takahashi and redescription of Aleurotuberculatus minutus (Singh) (Aleyrodidae, Hemiptera). Entomon. Kariavattom, 2, 89–92.

    David, B.V. (1978) On a new species of Aleurotuberculatus (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from India with a key to Indian species. Oriental Insects, 12, 133–135.

    David, B.V. (1981) A new species of Setaleyrodes (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) from India. Colemania, 1, 37–38.

    David, B.V. (1987) First record of the whitefly subfamily Aleurodicinae (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) from India. Current Science, 56, 1247–1248.

    David, B.V. (1988) Aleuromarginatus bauhiniae (Corbett) comb. nov. and A. thirumurthiensis nom. nov. (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 85, 445.

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    David, B.V. (2005) Cohicaleyrodes indicus (David & Selvakumaran) comb. n. and Cohicaleyrodes jesudasani nomen novum. Entomon. Kariavattom, 30, 67–68.

    David, B.V. (2005) Editaaleyrodes indicus, a new genus and species of whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), from India. Entomon. Kariavattom, 30, 317–320.

    David, B.V. & Jesudasan (1987) Description of a new genus, Crescentaleyrodes for Aleurolobus semilunaris (Corbett) (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) and two new combinations. Current Science, 56, 42–43.

    David, B.V. & Jesudasan, R.W.A. (1988) Two new species of whiteflies (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) from India and Sri Lanka. Entomon. Kariavattom, 13, 29–32.

    David, B.V. & Jesudasan, R.W.A. (1989) Dialeurolonga maculata (Singh) comb. nov. and Dialeurolonga takahashi nom. nov. for Dialeurolonga maculata Takahashi (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) from Madagascar. Entomon. Kariavattom, 14, 371.

    David, B.V. & Jesudasan, R.W.A. (2002) A new species of Aleurocanthus and Asialeyrodes indica Sundararaj & David (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) from Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Entomon. Kariavattom, 27, 323–325.

    David, B.V., Jesudasan, R.W.A. & Mathew, G. (1988) Description of a new species of the genus Aleurolobus Quaintance & Baker (1914) (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 85,165–167.

    David, B.V., Jesudasan, R.W.A. & Phillips, A. (2006) A review of Aleurotrachelus Quaintance & Baker (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and related genera in India, and description of two new species of the genus Cohicaleyrodes Bink [i.e. Bink-Moenen]. Hexapoda, 13, 16–27.

    David, B.V., Krishnan & Thenmozhi (1994) A new species of Viennotaleyrodes Cohic (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) from India. Hexapoda, 6, 33–38.

    David, B.V. & Manjunatha, M. (2003) A new species of Aleurocanthus Quaintance & Baker (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) from Areca catechu in India, with comments on the status of Aleurodes nubilans Buckton. Zootaxa, 173, 1–4.

    David, B.V. & Regu, K. (1989) A new whitefly Aleurocanthus indicus sp. nov. (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) from India. Entomon. Kariavattom, 14, 275–276.

    David, B.V. & Selvakumaran, S. (1987) A new species of whitefly Mixaleyrodes indicus sp. nov. (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) from India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 84, 654–656.

    David, B.V. & Selvakumaran, S. (1990) On the occurrence of the whitefly Aleurodicus machili Takahashi (Aleurodicinae, Aleyrodidae, Homoptera) in India. Entomon. Kariavattom, 15, 139.

    David, B.V. & Subramaniam, T.R. (1976) Studies on some Indian Aleyrodidae. Record of the Zoological Survey of India, 70, 133–233.

    David, B.V. & Sundararaj, R. (1991) A new species of the whitefly genus Pealius Quaintance & Baker (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) from India. Journal of Insect Science, 4, 67–68.

    David, B.V. & Sundararaj, R. (1991) On a new species of Setaleyrodes Taakhashi (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) from India. Entomon. Kariavattom, 16, 317–318.

    David, B.V. & Sundararaj, R. (1992) Dialeurodes delhiensis sp. nov. (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) – a new species of whitefly from India. Journal of Insect Science, 5, 62–63.

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    David, B.V., Sundararaj, R. & Regu, K. (1991) On four new species of Odontaleyrodes Takahashi (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) with a key to Indian species. Journal of Insect Science, 4, 117–119.

    David, B.V. & Thenmozhi (1995) On the characteristics of pupal case, adult and egg of Indian species of Lipaleyrodes Takahashi (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) with description of a new species. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 92, 339–349.

    David, B.V. & Winstone (1988) A new whitefly Bemisia graminis sp. nov. (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) from India. Entomon. Kariavattom, 13, 33–35.

    David, P.M.M. (2000) Three new genera of whiteflies Mohanasundaramiella, Shaninthiae and Vasantharajiella (Aleyrodidae: Homoptera) from India. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 97, 123–130.

    David, P.M.M. & David, B.V. (2000) Occurrence of a new whitefly species of the neotropical genus Crenidorsum Russell (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae). Entomon. Kariavattom, 25, 155–158.

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    De Barro, P.J., Trueman, J.W.H. & Frohlich, D.R. (2005) Bemisia argentifolii is a race of B. tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae): the molecular genetic differentiation of B. tabaci populations around the world. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 95, 193–203.

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    Dubey, A.K. & Ko, C.-C. (2006) Dialeuropora photiniana (Young) comb. nov. and redescription of Dialeurolonga malleswaramensis [sic.] Sundararaj (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Formosan Entomology, 26, 391–398.

    Dubey, A.K. & Sundararaj, R. (2004) Whitefly species of the genus Aleurocanthus Quaintance & Baker (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) from India, with descriptions of six new species. Oriental Insects, 39, 295–321.

    Dubey, A.K. & Sundararaj, R. (2004) A review of the genus Dialeuronomada Quaintance & Baker (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) with descriptions of two new species. Formosan Entomology, 24, 147–157.

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