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Type: Article
Published: 2003-03-24
Page range: 1–12
Abstract views: 94
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New records of the water mite genera Atractides Koch and Sperchon Kramer from the Balkan, with the description of one new species

Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Crna Gora, Cetinjski put b.b., 81000 Podgorica, Serbia and Crna Gora
Acari water mites Sperchon Atractides Balkan peninsula


Four water mite species of the genera Atractides and Sperchon (Acari: Hydrachnidia) are reported from Serbia and Crna Gora, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia and Bulgaria. Sperchon vesnae is described as a new species; first description are given of the female of Atractides longisetus Pesic, 2002; first records from the Balkan peninsula are given of Sperchon longissimus Viets, 1920, and Atractides cf. lunipes Lundblad, 1956. The latter is a rare water mite species previously known only from the French Pyrenees.


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