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Type: Article
Published: 2008-06-30
Page range: 42–50
Abstract views: 134
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Hyphessobrycon oritoensis (Characiformes: Characidae), a new species from the Putumayo River drainage, Colombian Amazon

Universidad del Quindío, Laboratorio de Ictiología, A. A. 2639, Armenia, Quindío, Colombia
Universidad del Quindío, Laboratorio de Ictiología, A. A. 2639, Armenia, Quindío, Colombia
UNELLEZ, BioCentro, Museo de Zoología, Colección de Peces, Guanare, Portuguesa, 3310, Venezuela
Fish Characid fish Colombia South America


Hyphessobrycon oritoensis (Characiformes: Characidae) is described from the Putumayo River drainage of the Colombian Amazon. The new species belongs to the H. heterorhabdus group and is distinguished from all other known species by the following combination of characters: iii,8 dorsal–fin rays, iv, 26–27 anal–fin rays, 19 teeth on dentary, 35 scales in longitudinal series, 10–11 perforated scales in lateral line, 7 scales between lateral line and dorsal–fin origin, 14 predorsal scales and a dark lateral band that extends from the posterior border of the humeral spot to the tips of the middle caudal fin rays.


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