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Type: Article
Published: 2008-08-04
Page range: 43–52
Abstract views: 94
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A new, first fossil species of Ophioderma Mhller and Troschel, 1842 (Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea) (Late Miocene, Argentina)

Dpto de Evolución de Cuencas. Facultad de Ciencias - Iguá 4225- 11400 Montevideo, Uruguay
Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales B. Rivadavia - CONICET- A. Gallardo 470- C1405DJR Buenos Aires, Argentina
Echinodermata Ophiuroidea Ophioderma new species Miocene Argentina


A new species of Ophioderma Müller and Troschel, 1842 is described. The new species is the first fossil one of the genus, and the third ophiuroid described for the Tertiary of South America. It is characterized by its large size, proximal dorsal arm plates arched, entire or irregularly fragmented in two or three parts and lateral arm plates with four or five short, flat spines of similar length with a finger-like outline.


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