Solenogastres are a small class of vermiform Mollusca that present a mantle with calcareous sclerites and a ventral pedal groove. During the expedition Me48/1 DIVA 1, carried out in the abyssal Angola Basin between 5100-5500 m depth, several specimens of Solenogastres were collected. Their study has made possible to describe two new species and a new genus of the family Acanthomeniidae Salvini-Plawen, 1978, whose anatomical features have caused the modification of the family definition.
Handl, C. & Salvini-Plawen, L.v. (2002) New records of Solenogastres-Cavibelonia (Mollusca) from Norwegian fjords and shelf waters including three new species. Sarsia, 87, 423–450.
Handl, C. & Todt, C. (2005) Foregut Glands of Solenogastres (Mollusca): Anatomy and Revised Terminology. Journal of Morphology, 265, 28–42.
Krncke, I. & Trkay, M. (2003) Structural and functional aspects of the benthic communities in the deep Angola basin. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 206, 43–53.
Salvini-Plawen, L.v. (1978) Antarktische und subantarktische Solenogastres-Eine Monographie: 1898–1974. Zoologica (Stuttgart), 128, 1–315.
Scheltema, A. H. (1999) New eastern atlantic neomenioid aplacophoran molluscs (Neomeniomorpha, Aplacophora). Ophelia, 51(1), 1–28.
Thiele, J. (1913) Antarktische Solenogastren. Deutsche Sdpolar Expedition 14, Zoologie, 6(1), 35–65.