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Type: Article
Published: 2008-10-29
Page range: 39–44
Abstract views: 74
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Redescription of Anolis rubribarbaris (Kuhler, McCranie, & Wilson 1999), a poorly-known Mesoamerican cloud forest anole (Squamata: Polychrotidae)

School of Natural Resources and Environment, and Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611-7800, USA Instituto Regional de Biodiversidad (IRBio), Centro Zamorano de Biodiversidad, Escuela Agrícola Panamericana Zamorano, Departamento de Francisco Morazán, Honduras
Instituto Regional de Biodiversidad (IRBio), Centro Zamorano de Biodiversidad, Escuela Agrícola Panamericana Zamorano, Departamento de Francisco Morazán, Honduras
Departamento de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Departamento de Francisco Morazán, Honduras
Voluntario de Cuerpo de Paz, San Isidro, Santa Cruz de Yojoa, Departamento de Cortés, Honduras
Reptilia Honduras Iguania Norops Nuclear Central America Parque Nacional Montaña de Santa Bárbara Sauria


Anolis rubribarbaris (Köhler, McCranie, & Wilson 1999) was described based on a single adult male specimen collected in 1994, which lacked color notes or everted hemipenes. We recently collected three additional specimens of A. rubribarbaris, one male and two females, from near the type locality in Parque Nacional Montaña de Santa Bárbara. We present a redescription of A. rubribarbaris based on this new material, which includes the first description of the hemipenis, the first description of a female, and the first description of the color in life of both sexes.


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