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Type: Article
Published: 2009-02-16
Page range: 47–68
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Three rare and enigmatic South American skinks

Département d'Ecologie et de Gestion de la Biodiversité, FRE 2696 - Adaptation et évolution des systèmes ostéomusculaires, 55 rue Buffon, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 75005 Paris, France Laboratoire Populations, Génétique & Evolution, UPR 9034, CNRS, 91198 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France
Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Cusco, Peru. Plaza de armas s/n. (paraninfo universitario), Cusco, Peru
Biological Sciences Department, Broward College, 3501 S.W. Davie Road, Davie, FL 33314, USA
Reptilia Scincidae Mabuya nigropalmata Trachylepis atlantica Trachylepis maculata new combination Trachylepis (Xystrolepis) punctata Trachylepis tschudii new name Peru


Three enigmatic skinks, Mabuya nigropalmata Andersson, 1918, Tiliqua maculata Gray, 1839, and Trachylepis (Xystrolepis) punctata, Tschudi, 1845, have been reported from widely separated localities on the South American mainland. They remain the three rarest and most poorly known South American skinks and were known only from type material until recently. In this paper, we comment on recent rediscoveries of M. nigropalmata in the western Amazon of Peru and Bolivia. Using cytochrome b and 12S DNA sequences, we resolve this species’s phylogenetic position within Mabuya sensu stricto and demonstrate its specific distinctiveness, especially from the superficially similar species M. frenata. In addition, we show that neither Trachylepis (Xystrolepis) punctata nor Tiliqua maculata can be placed within Mabuya. A suite of morphological characteristics requires the transfer of these two species to the mostly Afro-Malagasy genus Trachylepis. To correct the secondary homonymy of Tschudi’s name, we propose a replacement name for T. punctata. We designate NRM 23258A as the lectotype of Mabuya nigropalmata Andersson and MNHN 2932 as the lectotype of Trachylepis maculata (Gray) new combination. Finally, we propose an identification key to Mabuya of the Amazon basin and adjacent regions.


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