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Type: Article
Published: 2009-02-16
Page range: 17–29
Abstract views: 98
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A new microteiid lizard of the genus Acratosaura (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae) from Serra do Sincorá, State of Bahia, Brazil

Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Biociências, Departamento de Zoologia, Caixa Postal 11.461, CEP 05422–970, São Paulo, Brasil
Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Biociências, Departamento de Zoologia, Caixa Postal 11.461, CEP 05422–970, São Paulo, Brasil
Universidade Estadual Santa Cruz, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia, Rodovia Ilhéus/Itabuna km 16, 45.650–000, Ilhéus, BA, Brasil
Universidade Estadual Santa Cruz, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Zoologia, Rodovia Ilhéus/Itabuna km 16, 45.650–000, Ilhéus, BA, Brasil
Reptilia Acratosaura spinosa sp. nov. Acratosaura mentalis Lizards Squamates Reptiles Distribution Campos rupestres Serra do Sincorá Espinhaço range


A new species of the genus Acratosaura is described on the basis of two specimens obtained at the “campos rupestres” (rocky meadows) near Mucugê municipality, state of Bahia, Brazil. Acratosaura spinosa sp. nov., has ear openings and eyelids, pentadactyl limbs lacking a claw on first toe, a single frontonasal, prefrontals, frontoparietals, parietals, interparietals, occipitals, no collar fold, three pairs of genials, three supraoculars and three superciliaries and is further characterized by presenting 28–31 rows of strongly keeled, lanceolate and imbricate dorsal scales, sides of the neck with keeled scales, striate temporal scales, four longitudinal and 17–18 transverse rows of smooth ventral scales, 28–30 scales around the body, 14 and 19–20 infradigital lamellae under finger IV and toe IV, respectively, 13 total preanal and femoral pores in male, absent in female. The new species differs strikingly in color pattern from its only congener A. mentalis. The two species occur sympatricaly in the high altitude open habitats near the type locality.


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