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Published: 2010-08-02
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The Muscidae (Diptera) of Vanuatu

Museu Nacional, Quinta da Boa Vista, Sao Cristóvão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, 20.940–040
Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PW, U.K.
Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Département Systématique et Evolution, UMR 7205, CP 50 – 45 Rue de Buffon, 75005 Paris, France
Diptera Vanuatu Muscidae descriptions taxonomy


The Muscidae of Vanuatu are reviewed. All the genera and recorded species are diagnosed and an identification key is given. The work was carried out in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle (Paris, France), where material belonging to that museum and also a large collection from the Bishop Museum (Honolulu, USA) were studied. A total of 35 species, 4 of them endemic, were recognized, including two species newly described, Dichaetomyia univittata, sp. nov. and Parvisquama vanuatuensis, sp. nov. The following genera are recorded for the first time: Cephalispa Malloch, Coenosia Meigen, Helina Robineau-Desvoidy, Lispocephala Pokorny, Musca Linnaeus and Stomoxys Geoffroy. The following species are recorded for the first time: Atherigona punctata Karl, Cephalispa commoni (Paramonov), Coenosia pumilio Stein, Helina flavoextrema Couri, Pont & Daugeron, Limnophora longiantennata Couri, Pont & Daugeron (male described for the first time), Lispe nicobarensis Schiner, Lispocephala pectinata (Stein), Musca domestica Linnaeus, Musca ventrosa Wiedemann, Musca vetustissima Walker and Stomoxys calcitrans (Linnaeus). A brief discussion on the composition of the fauna is also presented.


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