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Type: Articles
Published: 2011-06-21
Page range: 19–32
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Parasitism of Apteropanorpa tasmanica Carpenter (Mecoptera: Apteropanorpidae) by larval Leptus agrotis Southcott (Acari: Erythraeidae) and Willungella rufusanus sp. nov. (Acari: Microtrombidiidae)

Queensland Museum, PO Box 3300, South Brisbane, 4101, Queensland, Australia
School of Botany and Zoology, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia CSIRO Entomology, GPO Box 1700, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia Biodiversity Conservation South, Department of Natural Resources, Environment, and the Arts, PO Box 1120, Alice Springs NT 0871, Australia
Acari mites parasites scorpionflies alpine Tasmania Australia attachment sites


The Apteropanorpidae is a family of wingless scorpionflies endemic to Tasmania, comprising four described species in the genus Apteropanorpa Carpenter. Intensive field surveys for adult Apteropanorpa conducted from April to May 2002 revealed the presence of ectoparasitic mites, parasitising many individuals of Apteropanorpa tasmanica Carpenter at four localities. Laboratory investigations revealed the presence of one species from each of the Erythraeidae and Microtrombidiidae parasitising adults: Leptus agrotis Southcott and Willungella rufusanus sp. nov., respectively. The larvae of W. rufusanus are described. Laboratory investigations of attachment sites and parasite loads of male and female scorpionflies are described and discussed. Results show neither sex was parasitised more than the other, and that up to four mites parasitised individual scorpionflies, although most adults supported one or two mites. Like many other Leptus species, all L. agrotis larvae attached to sclerites, whereas all W. rufusanus larvae attached to membranous areas. Larval W. rufusanus were predominantly attached to the scorpionfly abdomen; however, larval L. agrotis were more evenly distributed on the scorpionfly body. These data are the first records of parasitism in the Apteropanorpidae, and the first report of parasitism of Mecoptera in Australia. Parasitism of A. tasmanica by W. rufusanus is the first record of a mecopteran as a host for larval microtrombidiine mites. Parasite records for the Mecoptera are summarised.


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