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Type: Articles
Published: 2013-01-21
Page range: 273–277
Abstract views: 29
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New species of Cerambycidae from Panama, with new distribution records (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

1521 46th Street, Sacramento, California, 95819, USA
43315 Ranger Circle Drive, Coarsegold, CA 93614, USA
USDA-Forest Service Southern Research Station, Center for Bottomland Hardwoods Research, P.O. Box 227. Stoneville, MS 38776, USA
Coleoptera new distribution record Neotropical taxonomy


Two new species of Cerambycidae, Tessaropa elizabeth Bezark, sp. nov. (subfamily Cerambycinae, tribe Methiini ) and Anelaphus cordiforme Tyson, sp. nov. (subfamily Cerambycinae, tribe Elaphidiini), are described from the western part of the Darien, Panama. Nine new country records for Panama are reported for the following species: Adetus linsleyi Martins & Galileo, Estola strandiella Breuning, Nubosoplatus inbio Swift, Paranisopodus heterotarsus Monné & Martins, Pempteurys sericans Bates, Rosalba costaricensis (Melzer), Tomopterus brevicornis Giesbert, Psapharochrus nigricans (Lameere), and Oedudes bifasciata (Bates).


  1. Bezark, L.G. (2012) A photographic catalog of the Cerambycidae of the World. Available from (accessed 8 November 2012)

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    Lingafelter, S.W. (1998) The Genera of Elaphidiini Thomson (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Washington, 20, 1–118

    Linsley, E.G. (1936) Preliminary studies in the North American Phoracanthini and Sphaerionini. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 29, 461-478.

    Linsley, E.G., (1963) The Cerambycidae of North America. Part IV. Taxonomy and Classification of the Subfamily Cerambycinae tribes Elaphidionini through Rhinotragini. University of California Press, Berkeley, 165 pp.

    Monné, M.A. & Bezark, L.G. (2009) Checklist of the Cerambycidae, or longhorned wood-boring beetles, of the Western Hemisphere. Bio Quip Publications, Rancho Dominguez, 460 pp.