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Type: Articles
Published: 2013-04-05
Page range: 476–488
Abstract views: 60
PDF downloaded: 6

Review of the genus Camptochaeta Hippa & Vilkamaa (Diptera, Sciaridae), with the description of nine new species

Diptera Sciaridae Camptochaeta taxonomy new species new synonym


The following new species of the genus Camptochaeta Hippa & Vilkamaa, 1994 are described and illustrated: Camp-tochaeta anceps, C. filifera, C. formosa, C. kajsae, C. mixta, C. orthochaeta, C. spatula, C. truncata, and C. winchesteri. For some previously described species, morphological characters are redefined. Camptochaeta pentacantha Komarova, Hippa & Vilkamaa, 2007 is regarded as a junior synonym of C. subcamptochaeta (Mohrig, 1992).