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Type: Article
Published: 2014-09-05
Page range: 226–234
Abstract views: 63
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A new species of Eucosma Hübner and two new species of Cydia Hübner (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from the United States

Mississippi Entomological Museum, Box 9775, Mississippi State, MS 39762
Mississippi Entomological Museum, Box 9775, Mississippi State, MS 39762
Disjunct distributions glades new species Olethreutinae Pinus prairie


Three new species of Olethreutinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from the United States are described and illustrated. Eucosma paregoria Brown, n. sp., is associated with prairies and glades, primarily in midwestern U.S. Cydia marita Brown, n. sp., is common in southeastern U.S., ranging from Texas to Florida and north along the eastern seaboard to Virginia. Cydia timara Brown, n. sp., occurs in the southwestern U.S. (Arizona and New Mexico). Both species of Cydia are associated with habitats that support Pinus species, the probable larval hosts.