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Type: Article
Published: 2015-02-27
Page range: 291–300
Abstract views: 24
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New species from the genera Kansua and Anatlanticus (Orhtoptera: Tettigoniidae) in China

Key Laboratory of the Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, China.
Anatlanticus Mongolodectes newly recorded genus in China new species systematic position


The genus Kansua Uvarov was only known in East Asian, and is considered to approach Tettigonia Linnaeus or Glyphonotus Redtenbacher. After comparing male and female specimens of Kansua with other genera of the subfamily Tettigoniinae, we find that Kansua is very similar to Anatlanticus Bei-Bienko and Mongolodectes Bei-Bienko in pronotum, legs, and tegmen rather than Tettigonia and Glyphonotus. Description of one new species Kansua diebua Liu sp. n., of two new species of one newly recorded genus Anatlanticus from China, and first description of male of Mongolodectes alashanicus are presented.