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Type: Article
Published: 2015-04-10
Page range: 387–400
Abstract views: 29
PDF downloaded: 1

An endemic new species of Ameiva (Squamata: Teiidae) from an isolated dry   forest in southern Peru

División de Herpetología-Centro de Ornitología y Biodiversidad (CORBIDI), Santa Rita N˚105 Of. 202, Urb. Huertos de San Antonio, Surco, Lima-Perú
División de Herpetología-Centro de Ornitología y Biodiversidad (CORBIDI), Santa Rita N˚105 Of. 202, Urb. Huertos de San Antonio, Surco, Lima-Perú
División de Herpetología-Centro de Ornitología y Biodiversidad (CORBIDI), Santa Rita N˚105 Of. 202, Urb. Huertos de San Antonio, Surco, Lima-Perú. Museo de Zoología, Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Av. 12 de Octubre y Roca, Aptdo. 17–01–2184, Quito, Ecuador
Ameiva dry forest endemic new species Peru Teiidae


We describe a new species of Ameiva from an interandean dry forest in central-southern Peru. Ameiva reticulata sp. nov. represents the fifth species in the genus known to occur in Peru. The new species is similar to the species of the A. ameiva complex such as A. ameiva, A. atrigularis, A. pantherina, and A. praesignis, and is distinguished from these by  a smaller size, a lower  count of dorsal scales along the middorsal line and scales across the midbody, and by the gular coloration.