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Type: Article
Published: 2016-03-03
Page range: 416–430
Abstract views: 147
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New species, new records and re-description of spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) from India

Department of Agricultural Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, Damascus, Syria
Department of Agricultural Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research, Damascus, Syria
Department of Agricultural Entomology, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
Acari Tetranychus Oligonychus Zea mays Gymnema sylvestre Pennisetum purpureum spider mites India


Two species of Tetranychidae (Acari), Oligonychus neotylus sp. nov. from Zea mays and Pennisetum purpureum (Poaceae) and Tetranychus hirsutus sp. nov. from Gymnema sylvestre R. Br. (Apocynaceae) are described from Karnataka state, south India. Tetranychus bambusae Wang and Ma is recorded for the first time from India and re-described. Four other species are reported for the first time from India viz., Oligonychus coniferarum (McGregor), Oligonychus duncombei Meyer, Tetranychus marianae McGregor and Tetranychus okinawanus Ehara from Cupressus sp., an undetermined grass, Centrosema pubescens and Adenium obesum, respectively.



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