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Type: Article
Published: 2016-03-09
Page range: 429–437
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Catalogue of type materials of springtails (Hexapoda, Collembola) in the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids & Nematodes

Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Frunze Street, 11, Novosibirsk 630091, Russian Federation.
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K.W. Neatby Building, Central Experimental Farm, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada KIA 0C6.
Severtsov Institute of Ecology & Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 119071, Leninskii Pr., 33, Russian Federation.
Collembola CNC North America recent and fossil types amber


The catalogue assembles and updates all data concerning the type material of Collembola kept in the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids & Nematodes in Ottawa (CNC). Information is provided for type material of 69 species. Included are holotypes of 31 species (together with 5 ones from Cretaceous amber), syntypes of 26 species (four of them are presently considered to be junior synonyms) and paratypes of 32 species (one of which is considered a junior synonym). Essential label data, references to original descriptions, and modern status including synonyms are given.



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