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Type: Article
Published: 2016-06-01
Page range: 321–340
Abstract views: 128
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A new species of the genus Terebellides (Polychaeta, Trichobranchidae) from the Iranian coast

Departamento de Bioloxía Animal, Bioloxía Vexetal e Ecoloxía, Universidade da Coruña, 15008 A Coruña, Spain.
Departamento de Biología (Zoología), Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, E-28049 Madrid, Spain
Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes, CEAB-CSIC, Blanes, Catalunya, Spain
Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes, CEAB-CSIC, Blanes, Catalunya, Spain
Platyhelminthes Persian Gulf Terebellides persiae spec. nov. morphology SEM micro-CT


Based on specimens collected during several sampling programmes along the Iranian coast, Persian Gulf, a new species of the genus Terebellides (Polychaeta, Trichobranchidae) is herein described as Terebellides persiae spec. nov. The new species is primarily characterised by the presence of a large dorsal thoracic hump in larger specimens and ciliated papillae on the branchial lamellae. The new species is compared with other taxa belonging to Terebellides described or reported with any of both characters. SEM and micro-CT have been used to study T. persiae spec. nov. and provide several new details on external characters and internal organs, respectively. A key for the identification of the species of Terebellides with dorsal hump is provided.



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