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Type: Article
Published: 2016-06-07
Page range: 59–67
Abstract views: 111
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The Simulium nigritarse subgroup (Diptera: Simuliidae) in Uganda: New species and country records

Military Hospital Hamburg, Department Tropical Medicine, 20359 Hamburg, Germany.
Diptera Simuliidae subgenus Nevermannia new species western Uganda Afrotropical Region morphology


Amongst blackfly samples from western Uganda three different morphospecies of the Simulium (Nevermannia) nigritarse Coquillett subgroup were identified. Of these, S. perforatum Fain & Dujardin showed the widest distribution and is reported from Uganda for the first time. In addition, two new species are described: S. bwambanum sp. nov. and S. itwariense sp. nov. Diagnostic characters are the different structures of the pupal cocoon, the configurations of the gill filaments and adult colour features.



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