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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2017-03-23
Page range: 57–60
Abstract views: 129
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Clarification of the type locality of the Curl-crested Aracari Pteroglossus beauharnaesii Wagler, 1832 (Aves: Ramphastidae)

Seção de Aves, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP), Av. Nazaré, 481, Ipiranga, CEP 04218-970, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Comitê Brasileiro de Registros Ornitológicos (CBRO), Rio de Janeiro, Brazi
Seção de Aves, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZUSP), Av. Nazaré, 481, Ipiranga, CEP 04218-970, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
Aves Ramphastidae


The Curl-crested Aracari Pteroglossus beauharnaesii Wagler, 1832 is one of the most remarkable species in the family Ramphastidae. Among other distinctive plumage traits, its modified curly, shiny black crown feathers are unique in the family and are modified to an extent not found in any other living bird species (Brush 1967; Short & Horne 2002). The crown feathers, along with the distinct white throat, were considered sufficient justification in the past to include the species in the monotypic genus Beauharnaisius Bonaparte; however, molecular studies have shown that it is embedded within the genus Pteroglossus Illiger, sister to P. bitorquatus (Hackett & Lehn 1997; Eberhard & Bermingham 2005; Pereira & Wajntal 2008). It is a southern Amazonian species, occurring in the lowlands of northern Peru, north and central Bolivia and western and central Amazonian Brazil, south of the Marañon-Solimões-Amazonas rivers (Short & Horne 2002).



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