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Type: Article
Published: 2017-06-14
Page range: 554–568
Abstract views: 226
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A new species of Protonemura Kempny, 1898 (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) from the French and Swiss Jura Mountains

2 Petit-Berne, CH-2035 Corcelles, Switzerland.
3 Rue de l’Etang, F-39600 Villers-Farlay, France.
55 Bd Joseph Vallier, F-38100 Grenoble, France.
Plecoptera stoneflies new species Jura Mountains morphology endemism karstic springs conservation status


A new species of Protonemura Kempny, 1898, P. jurassica sp. n., endemic to the Jura Mountains of France and Switzerland, is described from both adults and nymphs. Information on the distribution, ecological preferences and conservation status of this new species is also provided.



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