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Type: Article
Published: 2017-08-23
Page range: 263–270
Abstract views: 181
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A new species of Pseudosesarma Serène & Soh, 1970 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Sesarmidae) from Cochin in southwestern India

Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, National University of Singapore, 2 Conservatory Drive, Singapore 117377.
Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology & Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Fine Arts Avenue, Cochin 682016, Kerala, India.
Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology & Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences, Cochin University of Science & Technology, Fine Arts Avenue, Cochin 682016, Kerala, India.
Kerala India taxonomy Sesarmidae mangroves


A new species of mangrove sesarmid crab of the genus Pseudosesarma Serène & Soh, 1970, is described from Cochin, southwest India. The species superficially resembles P. edwardsii (De Man, 1887), known from Myanmar and many parts of India; the proportions of the carapace and male pleon also ally it with P. crassimanum (De Man, 1887) from Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia. Pseudosesarma glabrum n. sp., however, is easily separated from P. edwardsii and P. crassimanum primarily by the almost glabrous dorsal surface of the carapace and the distinctive form of its male first gonopod.


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