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Type: Article
Published: 2018-08-15
Page range: 401–430
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Ascidians collected during the Madibenthos expedition in Martinique 3. Stolidobranchia, Pyuridae and Molgulidae

Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Invertébrés Marins, 55 rue Buffon 75005 Paris France.
Chordata Ascidians Stolidobranchia Pyuridae Molgulidae Madibenthos Martinique


An inventory of the marine benthic fauna around Martinique was the aim of the European Madibenthos expedition 2016. Among a large number of invertebrates abundant ascidians were collected: the phlebobranchs and Styelidae among the stolidobranch were already studied and the results published (Monniot 2018a and b). A third group, belonging to the Pyuridae and Molgulidae (Stolidobranchia) is studied here; it includes 13 species, three of them recorded for the second time. Each of them is described and figured and the geographic distribution is given.



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