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Type: Article
Published: 2018-08-15
Page range: 565–574
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F.L. de Castelnau’s Norman River fishes housed in the Macleay Museum, University of Sydney

Macleay Museum and School of Life and Environmental Sciences, A12 – Macleay Building, The University of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia. Ichthyology, Australian Museum, 1 Williams Street, Sydney, New South Wales 2010, Australia.
Museum & Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, PO Box 4646 Darwin, NT 0801, Australia. E-mail:
School of Botany, University of Melbourne, Vic. 3010, Australia.
Pisces Kurtus gulliveri Pseudoambassis macleayi Pseudoambassis elongatus Acanthoperca gulliveri Engraulis nasutus Australia


Type specimens were located in the Macleay Museum for five species described by F.L. de Castelnau: Kurtus gulliveri (syntype), Pseudoambassis macleayi (lectotype and two paralectotypes), Pseudoambassis elongatus (lectotype and paralectotype), Acanthoperca gulliveri (syntype) and Engraulis nasutus (syntypes). The last-named is shown to be a senior subjective synonym of Anchovia aestuaria Ogibly 1910, and is referred to the genus Thryssa Cuvier 1829.



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