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Type: Article
Published: 2018-11-23
Page range: 496–500
Abstract views: 104
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Two new species of Caddisflies (Trichoptera: Insecta) from Lower-Hill Evergreen Forests of Southern Thailand

Department of Fishery and Coastal Resources, Faculty of Science and Industrial Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Surat Thani Campus, Muang District, Surat Thani Province, Thailand 84100
Sonnengasse 13, A-3293 Lunz am See, Austria
Department of Fishery and Coastal Resources, Faculty of Science and Industrial Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Surat Thani Campus, Muang District, Surat Thani Province, Thailand 84100
Trichoptera Southeast Asia Tropical forest Hydropsychidae Calamoceratidae


Two new species of caddisflies, Macrostemum nigralatum n. sp. and Anisocentropus tairomyenensis n. sp., are described and figured from lower-hill evergreen forests in southern Thailand. Wings of M. nigralatum are black, which distinguishes the new species from other related species. Anisocentropus tairomyenensis n. sp. is a member of the subgenus Anisomontropus and is characterized by the obvious basal expansion of the preanal appendages.



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