Heliogomphus bidentatus sp. nov. (holotype male: Tam Dao National Park, Vinh Phuc Prov., northern Vietnam) is described from north and central Vietnam. This new species is similar to H. scorpio (Ris, 1912), but can be separated by the coloration of the thorax and details of the male caudal appendages. Information on its biology and ecology is provided.
Asahina, S. (1996) Records of the northern Vietnamese Odonata taken by the expedition members from the National Science Museum, Tokyo. 2. Gomphidae. Bulletin of the National Science Museum, Tokyo, Series A, 22, 21–32.
Dow, R.A. & Stokvis, F.R. (2018) Odonata from Gunung Melatai and two other locations in Kapit Division, Sarawak, with a review of the genus Heliogomphus in Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. International Dragonfly Fund— Report, Journal of the International Dragonfly Fund, 122, 1–25.
Fraser, F.C. (1942) Notes on the genus Heliogomphus Laidlaw, with descriptions of two new species (Odonata). The Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, 92, 333–341.
Karube, H. (2004) Heliogomphus chaoi spec. nov., a new dragonfly from southern Vietnam (Anisoptera: Gomphidae), Odonatologica, 33 (4), 433–436.
Laidlaw, F.F. (1922) A list of the dragonflies recorded from the Indian Empire. Part V. The subfamily Gomphinae. Records of the Indian Museum, 24, 367–426, 1 pl.
Lieftinck, M.A. (1961) New and interesting Odonata from the Philippines. Fieldiana Zoologica, 42, 119–149.
Lieftinck, M.A. (1964) Synonymic notes on East Asiatic Gomphidae with descriptions of two new species (Odonata). Zoologische Mededelingen, 39, 89–110.
Ris, F. (1912) Neue Libellen von Formosa, Südchina, Tonkin und den Philippinen. Supplementa Entomologica, 1, 44–85, 3 pl.
Schorr, M. & Paulson, D. (2018) World Odonata List. Available from: https://www.pugetsound.edu/academics/academic-resources/slater-museum/biodiversity-resources/dragonflies/world-odonata-list2/ (accessed 12 October 2018)
Yokoi, N. & Souphanthong, V. (2014) A list of Lao dragonflies. Privately published by the first author, Koriyama, 110 pp.