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Type: Monograph
Published: 2019-03-22
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Revision of the genus Neorthrius Gerstmeier & Eberle, 2011 (Coleoptera, Cleridae, Clerinae)

Technische Universität München, Department für Tierwissenschaften, AG Entomologie, Lehrstuhl für Zoologie, Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, 85354 Freising, F.R.G.
Coleoptera Cleridae Clerinae


The genus Neorthrius Gerstmeier & Eberle, 2011 is taxonomically revised to include sixty-one species. The following thirty-one species are described as new: Neorthrius aduncus n. sp., Neorthrius aurantiacus n. sp., Neorthrius bipunctatus n. sp., Neorthrius bonasus n. sp., Neorthrius brunnorbis n. sp., Neorthrius buteocoloratus n. sp., Neorthrius cechovskyi n. sp., Neorthrius centromaculatus n. sp., Neorthrius chiangmaii n. sp., Neorthrius cornutus n. sp., Neorthrius crassopunctatus n. sp., Neorthrius ebenus n. sp., Neorthrius elegantulus n. sp., Neorthrius fortecruris n. sp., Neorthrius fulvus n. sp., Neorthrius fuscomaculosus n. sp., Neorthrius guttatus n. sp., Neorthrius longulus n. sp., Neorthrius majae n. sp., Neorthrius mariannae n. sp., Neorthrius molestus n. sp., Neorthrius schnitzeli n. sp., Neorthrius serratus n. sp., Neorthrius sexmaculatus n. sp., Neorthrius sigmoideus n. sp., Neorthrius tenuistriatus n. sp., Neorthrius tulipae n. sp., Neorthrius unicolor n. sp., Neorthrius uniformis n. sp., Neorthrius volsella n. sp. and Neorthrius zebrinus n. sp.. The following taxa, described as varietal forms, are raised to the rank of species and transferred from Orthrius Gorham, 1876: Orthrius striatopunctatus var. bimaculatus Schenkling, 1901 and Orthrius striatopunctatus var. brunneus n. syn. = Neorthrius bimaculatus (Schenkling, 1901) n. comb., n. stat.; Orthrius tarsalis var. obscurus Schenkling, 1906 = Neorthrius obscurus (Schenkling, 1906) n. comb., n. stat.; Orthrius posticalis var. nigricollis Corporaal 1926a: 180 = Neorthrius nigricollis (Corporaal, 1926), n. stat., n. comb. The following new synonymies are proposed: Orthrius deboyssyi Pic, 1951 n. syn. is synonymized with Neorthrius crassipes (Chapin, 1928) n. comb. Orthrius nigromaculatus Pic, 1951 n. syn. is synonymized with Neorthrius bimaculatus (Schenkling, 1901) n. comb. Orthrius rufitarsis Pic, 1932 n. syn., n. comb. is synonymized with Neorthrius obscurus (Schenkling, 1906). The following species are transferred to Neorthrius from Orthrius: Neorthrius angusticollis (Schenkling, 1902), n. comb., Neorthrius bengalus (Westwood, 1852) n. comb., Neorthrius bicrucis (Chapin, 1924) n. comb., Neorthrius brachialis (Gorham, 1893) n. comb., Neorthrius carinifrons (Schenkling, 1900) n. comb., Neorthrius crassipes (Chapin, 1928) n. comb., Neorthrius feae (Gorham, 1892) n. comb., Neorthrius grandjeani (Pic, 1932) n. comb.,in Neorthrius haemorrhoidalis (Schenkling, 1906) n. comb., Neorthrius innotatus (Pic, 1925) n. comb., Neorthrius madurensis (Gorham, 1895) n. comb., Neorthrius massiliensis (Pic, 1951) n. comb., Neorthrius octopunctatus (Schenkling, 1906) n. comb., Neorthrius pallidus (Chapin, 1924) n. comb., Neorthrius posticalis (Westwood, 1852) n. comb., Neorthrius pygidialis (Corporaal, 1949) n. comb., Neorthrius sexplagiatus (Schenkling, 1908) ) n. comb., Neorthrius sinensis (Gorham, 1876) n. comb., Neorthrius subfasciatus (Westwood, 1849) n. comb., Neorthrius subscalaris (Pic, 1954) n. comb., Neorthrius subsimilis (White, 1849) n. comb., Neorthrius subunicolor (Pic, 1935) n. comb., Neorthrius sulcatus (Pic, 1926) n. comb., Neorthrius sumatranus (Schenkling, 1899) n. comb., Neorthrius tarsalis (Gorham, 1892) n. comb. A key to species, color photographs of the habitus, the genitalia, the terminal abdominal segments and distribution maps are provided.



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