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Published: 2021-02-18
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Ascidians collected during the 2013 Singapore Strait International Marine Biodiversity Workshop

University of Washington Friday Harbor Laboratories, 620 University Road, Friday Harbor WA 98250, USA.
St John’s Island National Marine Laboratory, National University of Singapore, 18 Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119227.
St John’s Island National Marine Laboratory, National University of Singapore, 18 Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119227.
Ascidiacea Aplousobranchia Phlebobranchia Stolidobranchia


During the 2013 Singapore Strait International Marine Biodiversity Workshop, hundreds of ascidians were collected along with numerous other marine phyla. Collections were made intertidally as well as subtidally by snorkel, SCUBA, trawling and dredging. While many ascidian specimens remain unidentified, 14 aplousobranchs, nine phlebobranchs and 17 stolidobranchs have been identified; a surprising 50% of these comprise 20 new records for Singapore. An additional new record of the phlebobranch Perophora namei collected from the same area in 2014 and 2015 is included here. Of the 21 new records, Aplidium cf. grisiatum, Distaplia regina, Euherdmania cf. digitata, Cnemidocarpa irene, Monandrocarpa monotestis and Polyandrocarpa rollandi are also first records for the entire South China Sea region.



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