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Type: Article
Published: 2021-03-31
Page range: 487–500
Abstract views: 166
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Diagnosis of the new genus Agnathia (Pycnogonida, Callipallenidae) and description of two new species from southern Australia

Museums Victoria, GPO Box 666, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3001
Pycnogonida Bradypallene Cheilopallene Cordylochele Labrumoides Pallenella Parapallene Pycnopallene Seguapallene Stylopallene Safropallene


A new genus of Callipallenidae, Agnathia, is established to accommodate two new species of pycnogonid from southern Australia; A. aria and A. chuki. Both new species are represented by adult and sub-adult forms. Gravid females and ovigerous and larvigerous males are represented. Postembryonic growth stages are recorded and briefly discussed. The presence of six-segmented ovigers in males of one species, as opposed to the usual ten segments in both sexes, is recorded. Genera that share morphological relationships are discussed and a key to these genera is provided. The genera Bradypallene, Pycnopallene and Safropallene are reassessed and reassigned to family incertae sedis.



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