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Type: Article
Published: 2021-04-19
Page range: 201–242
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A diverse crinoid fauna (Echinodermata, Crinoidea) from the Lower Eocene of the Gulf of Languedoc (Corbières, Aude, southern France)

Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, UMR7205 ISYEB MNHN-CNRS-UPMC-EPHE, Département Systématique et Évolution, CP 51, 57 rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
Chemin de Saint Estève, 11200 Lézignan-Corbières. France
7 rue J.-B. Chardin Maquens, 11000 Carcassonne, France
Lower Ypresian Corbières Echinodermata Crinoidea Conometridae Holopodidae Rhizocrinidae Amphorometra Cherbonniericrinus Democrinus Globulocrinus n. gen. Holopus Pseudoconocrinus new taxa


Detailed studies of the middle Ilerdian (lower Ypresian) blue marls of the Gulf of Languedoc (Corbières, Aude, France), belonging to the north Pyrenean foreland basin, have revealed a more abundant and diverse crinoid fauna than previously documented from the Lower Eocene. Here we describe five species of stalked crinoids in the family Rhizocrinidae (Cherbonniericrinus requiensis n. sp., ?Democrinus elongatus, Globulocrinus amphoraformis n. gen., n. sp., Pseudoconocrinus doncieuxi and P. lavadensis n. sp.), one barnacle-like species in the stalkless family Holopodidae (Holopus plaziati n. sp.) and a single feather star in the family Conometridae (Amphorometra atacica). Several sites have yielded brachials and rhizoids in addition to abundant aboral cups and columnals indicating in situ fossilisation of the dissociated skeletal elements. P. lavadensis n. sp. and ?D. elongatus have been collected only from outcrops located in the upper part of the middle blue marls, while P. doncieuxi predominates, with a wide range of morphological variation, in the lower blue marls. The fossil assemblage at the locality of Réqui near Montlaur differs from the others in the smaller size of most individuals and the presence of H. plaziati n. sp., C. requiensis n. sp., G. amphoraformis n. gen., n. sp., and P. doncieuxi suboblongus n. subsp. This particular association with high juvenile mortality corresponds to an unstable environment with mixed substrates (muddy and rocky). The crinoid fauna of the Corbières appears to be the most diverse of Early Eocene age known to date. With the fauna of the London Clay, a boreal formation of the same age, it shares the presence of the genera Democrinus and Amphorometra in an open-sea environment. A comparison with extant faunas allows the depth of deposition at the Ypresian sites in the Gulf of Languedoc to be estimated between from 100 and 140 meters.


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