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Type: Article
Published: 2022-01-24
Page range: 587-592
Abstract views: 342
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A new species of the genus Gortyna Ochsenheimer, 1816 from China, with notes on the larval feeding habits (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae: Apameini)

Northeast Forestry University, School of Forestry, Harbin 150040, China.
Guizhou University, College of Tobacco Science, Guiyang 550025, China.
Northeast Forestry University, School of Forestry, Harbin 150040, China. Northeast Forestry University, Ministry of Education, Key Laboratory of Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management, Harbin 150040, China.
Lepidoptera Noctuidae Noctuinae Apameini Gortyna host plant Guizhou China taxonomy


A new species of the genus Gortyna Ochsenheimer, 1816, G. guizhouensis sp. n., is described from Guizhou Province, China. Adults and genitalic structures of the new species and related species are illustrated. Observations of feeding habits and host plant of the larva are also provided.



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