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Type: Article
Published: 2023-03-29
Page range: 301-316
Abstract views: 354
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Sinolethrus, a new subgenus of the genus Lethrus Scopoli, 1777 from China (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae: Lethrinae) and new synonymy of the subgenus Paralethrus Nikolajev, 2003

1 Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia. 2 Leningrad zoo, Alexandrovskiy park 1, St. Petersburg, 197198, Russia. 3 Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athena, Greece.
4 Kieferndamm 10, D–15566 Schöneiche bei Berlin, Germany.
Coleoptera Scarabaeidae Geotrupidae Lethrinae Lethrus Paralethrus Sinolethrus key taxonomy lectotype new subgenus new synonym distribution China Palearctic region


Sinolethrus Bagaturov & Hillert, new subgenus is described as a monotypical subgenus for Lethrus serpentifer Semenov & Medvedev, 1935. The new subgenus is distributed in the north-central part of China. An identification key for the subgenera of the genus Lethrus Scopoli, 1777 is provided, diagnostic characters are illustrated. Furthermore, Lethrus mediocris Fairmaire, 1892 is synonymized with Lethrus (Paralethrus) bituberculatus impressifrons Ballion, 1870, and its lectotype is designated.



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