A new heterotardigrade, Echiniscus barbarae sp. nov., is described from a moss sample collected in Cuba. This species belongs to the ‘arctomys group’, which contains many problematic species. The new species differs from the most similar species Echiniscus limai mainly by having cephalic, scapular and terminal dorsal plates not faceted. This paper is the first record of Tardigrada from Cuba.References
Cunha, A.X. Da & Nascimento Ribeiro, F. do (1964) Tardigrados de Angola. Garcia de Orto, Revista Da Junta de Investigacoes do Ultramar, 12, 397-406.
McInnes, S.J. (1994) Zoogeographic distribution of terrestrial/freshwater tardigrades from current literature. Journal of Natural History, 28, 257-352.
Ramazzotti, G. & Maucci, W. (1983) Il phylum Tardigrada. Memorie dell’Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia, 41, 1-1012.