Department of Earth Sciences; Faculty of Geosciences; Utrecht University; Budapestlaan 4; 3584 CD Utrecht; the Netherlands; and Oertijdmuseum; Bosscheweg 80; 5283 WB Boxtel; the Netherlands
Department of Geology and Palaeontology; Faculty of Natural Sciences; Comenius University; Ilkovičova 6; 842 15; Bratislava; Slovakia
Laboratoire de Paléontologie; Évolution; Paléoécosystèmes et Paléoprimatologie (PALEVOPRIM; UMR7262 CNRS INEE); Université de Poitiers; 6; rue Michel-Brunet; 86073; Poitiers; Cedex; France; and Palaios association; 15 rue de l’aumônerie; 86300; Valdivienne; France
Directorate Earth and History of life; Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences; Vautierstreet 29; 1000 Brussels; Belgium