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Type: Correspondence
Published: 2023-07-18
Page range: 148-150
Abstract views: 276
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Validation of Cretalamoha boweni Nyborg & Garassino (Brachyura: Homolidae) from the early Campanian, Upper Cretaceous of British Columbia, Canada

Department of Earth and Biological Sciences; Loma Linda University; Loma Linda; CA 92350; U.S.A.
Department of Earth and Biological Sciences; Loma Linda University; Loma Linda; CA 92350; U.S.A.
Instituto de Geología;UNAM; Ciudad Universitaria; Coyoacán; México DF 04510; Mexico
Crustacea Brachyura Homolidae Canada


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  4. Ng, P.K.L. (1998) Lamoha, a Replacement Name for Hypsophrys Wood Mason & Alcock, 1891 (Brachyura, Homolidae), a Junior Homonym of Hypsophrys Agassiz, 1859 (Pisces, Teleostei, Cichlidae). Crustaceana, 71, 121–125. DOI:
  5. Nyborg, T. & Garassino, A. (2017) New occurrences of fossil Homolidae from the Eastern Pacific. Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana, 69 (1), 135–148. DOI: