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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-04
Page range: 411-425
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A new species of Entomobrya Rondani, 1861 (Collembola, Entomobryidae, Entomobryinae) from Croatia with the redescription of Entomobrya margaretae Gruia, 1967

University of Sopron; Faculty of Forestry; Institute of Wildlife Biology and Management; Bajcsy-Zs. str. 4; H–9400 Sopron; Hungary
Department of Biology and Ecology; Faculty of Sciences; University of Novi Sad; Trg Dositeja Obradovića 2; 21000 Novi Sad; Serbia
Institute of Biology Bucharest; Romanian Academy; 296 Splaiul Independenţei; P.O. Box 56–53; 060031; Bucharest; Romania
Collembola Entomobrya silvicola taxonomy Entomobryni chaetotaxy dorsal macrochaetae formula colour form Central Europe


In the present paper, a new species of the genus Entomobrya is described from Croatia. E. silvicola sp. nov. has a unique colour pattern that distinguishes it from other Entomobrya species in Europe and worldwide. Besides the different colour pattern, there are notable differences in the dorsal macrochaetotaxy and other characters that distinguish the new species from the other Entomobrya sharing the same dorsal macrochaetotaxy formula of Abd II–III. Herein, we also provide the redescription of E. margaretae Gruia, 1967, based on topotypic specimens, of which a neotype was designated.



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