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Type: Article
Published: 2023-10-31
Page range: 53-73
Abstract views: 602
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Description of two new species in the Ixodes ricinus complex from the New World (Acari: Ixodidae), and redescription of Ixodes affinis Neumann, 1899

Instituto de Investigaciòn de la Càdena Làctea (IDICAL; INTA-CONICET); Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Estaciòn Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela (INTA E.E.A. Rafaela); Ruta 34 Km 227; Rafaela; Santa Fe; Argentina
United States National Tick Collection; Institute for Coastal Plain; Science; Georgia Southern University; Statesboro; GA 30460; USA
Laboratorio de Vectores y Enfermedades Transmitidas; Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas; CENUR Litoral Norte; Universidad de la República; Rivera 1350; 50000 Salto; CP; Uruguay
Department of Biology; Georgia Southern University; Statesboro; GA 30460; USA
Instituto Conmemorativo Gorgas de Estudios de la Salud; Panama
Instituto de Investigaciòn de la Càdena Làctea (IDICAL; INTA-CONICET); Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Estaciòn Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela (INTA E.E.A. Rafaela); Ruta 34 Km 227; Rafaela; Santa Fe; Argentina
Instituto de Investigaciòn de la Càdena Làctea (IDICAL; INTA-CONICET); Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Estaciòn Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela (INTA E.E.A. Rafaela); Ruta 34 Km 227; Rafaela; Santa Fe; Argentina
Georgia Southern Museum; Georgia Southern University; Statesboro; GA 30460; USA
Zoologische Staatssammlung München; München; Germany
Instituto de Investigaciòn de la Càdena Làctea (IDICAL; INTA-CONICET); Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; Estaciòn Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela (INTA E.E.A. Rafaela); Ruta 34 Km 227; Rafaela; Santa Fe; Argentina
Acari Ixodes taxonomy New World new species


Ixodes chacoensis n. sp. is described based on males, females, nymphs and larvae collected from vegetation, ungulates and passerine birds in northeastern Argentina. Ixodes affinis Neumann, 1899 is redescribed based on the original type specimens (females) from Leopardus pardalis, and from recently collected specimens from Costa Rica. Ixodes keiransi n. sp., previously treated as North American populations of Ixodes affinis, is described based on males and females from carnivores and ungulates from the southeastern United States. Concatenated total evidence phylogenetics based on combined DNA sequence analyses from mitochondrial genes (12SrDNA, 16SrDNA and COI) and a nuclear gene (ITS2) corroborate the recognition of these species.



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