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Type: Article
Published: 2024-01-05
Page range: 351-376
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Tiger beetles of the genus Tricondyla Latreille, 1822 (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) of the Philippines, with some considerations of the taxonomy of the genus

Institute of Life Science and Technologies; Daugavpils University; Vienibas 13-229; LV-5401 Daugavpils; Latvia; Coleoptera Research Center; Institute of Biodiversity and Environment; University of Mindanao; Davao City; Philippines
Dresdener Ring 11; D-38444 Wolfsburg; Germany
Coleoptera tiger beetles key endophallus systematics new species new synonymies


The fully everted endophallus in the genus Tricondyla is studied and described for the first time. Also, the following new synonymies are established: Pseudotricondyla Naviaux, 2002 syn. nov. = Stenotricondyla Naviaux, 2002; T. (T.) aptera punctipennis Chevrolat, 1841 syn. nov. = T. (T.) aptera aptera (Olivier,1790); T. (T.) aptera lumawigi Wiesner, 1989 syn. nov. = T. (T.) ovicollis Motschulsky, 1864; T. (S.) cavifrons Schaum, 1862 syn. nov. = T. (S.) cyanipes Eschscholtz, 1829; T. (S.) gracilis Naviaux, 2002 syn. nov. = T. (S.) elongata Horn, 1906; T. (T.) huloti Naviaux, 2009 syn. nov. = T. (S.) cyanipes fuscilabris Mandl, 1964 = T. (S.) conicicollis Chaudoir, 1844. Tricondyla (S.) oblita Naviaux, 2002, syn. nov. = Tricondyla brunnipes Motschulsky, 1861. New subgeneric placement is proposed: T. (S.) elongata Horn, 1906; T. (S.) planiceps Schaum, 1862; T. (S.) gracilis Naviaux, 2002. One new species T. (T.) johnsoni sp. nov. is described from Mindanao. The taxonomic status of T. (S.) genieri Naviaux, 2008 is discussed. The species T. (S.) beccarii Gestro, 1874 is transferred from nominative subgenus to Stenotricondyla and together with T. (Stenotricondyla) doriai Gestro, 1874 excluded from the list of species of the Philippines. A key to the species is provided. Color photographs of the habitus, and diagnostic characters, including the variability of all species, are presented.



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  2. Eschscholtz, J.F. (1829) Zoologischer atlas. Volume 1. Berlin, 4–6 pp.
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  12. Naviaux, R. (2008) Tricondyla (Stenotricondyla) genieri, nouvelle espèce des Philippines (Coleoptera, Cicindelidae). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France, 113 (1), 99–100.
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