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Type: Article
Published: 2024-03-05
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Leaf-feeding species of the genus Liothrips from China (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripinae)

School of Bioscience and Engineering; Shaanxi University of Technology; Hanzhong; 723000; China
School of Bioscience and Engineering; Shaanxi University of Technology; Hanzhong; 723000; China
Australian National Insect Collection CSIRO; PO Box 1700; Canberra; ACT 2601
Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution; Institute of Zoology;Chinese Academy of Sciences; No.1 Beichen West Road; Chaoyang District; Beijing 100101; China; College of Life Science; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; No. 19; Yuquan Road; Shijingshan District; Beijing 100049; China
Thysanoptera Identification key new species new combinations new records


The 250 species of the second largest genus of Thysanoptera, Liothrips, are known as feeding mainly on green leaves, with many inducing galls or associated with galls. In China, 33 species are recognized including L. brevis sp. n., L. elongatus sp. n., L. longistylus sp. n., L. motuoensis sp. n., L. piceae sp. n., L. populi sp. n. and L. tibetanus sp. n., also seven species are recorded from this country for the first time. Four Han’s Liothrips species are considered as new synonymies of L. vaneeckei that might be widespread in the Holarctic region. Three species are newly combined as Liothrips aporosae comb.n., Teuchothrips fuscus comb.n. and T. turkestanicus comb.n. The illustrated identification key to Chinese Liothrips species excludes L. hsuae but includes L. mirabilis due to its potential as a pest of Piper plants are growing throughout Southern China. Biology, structural variation, and generic relationships are also discussed.



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