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Type: Article
Published: 2024-10-08
Page range: 269-278
Abstract views: 228
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New records of Gemeneta opilionoides (Orthoptera, Catantopinae) in the world’s second largest rainforest

Zoology Unit; Department of Biology of Animal Organisms; Faculty of Sciences; University of Douala; Cameroon.; IUCN SSC Grasshopper Specialist Group
Orthoptera Caelifera distribution habitat threat central africa


Gemeneta opilionoides (Bolívar 1905) is a rare grasshopper presently known from three localities, Biafra (in Equatorial Guinea), Makak, and Ngutadjap (in Cameroon). Few data exist on the biology and ecology of this species in the central Africa rainforests, while its natural habitat is being rapidly destroyed by deforestation. It has been recently found at two new localities, Ngoyla in Cameroon, and Bioko Island in Equatorial Guinea. From 2019 to 2023 some specimens of the species were recorded and collected at these two localities. This study increased the number of known G. opilionoides localities to five: Biafra, Makak, Ngutadjap, Ngoyla and Bioko Island. Here the species natural habitat, the threats to this habitat, and relevant conservation action are further described. The species habitat is swamp in the humid forest with ferns, and standing surface water. This species doesn't appear to have a strong seasonality. Threats to the habitat observed in Cameroon were wood logging, market gardening, bush fire, bamboo exploitation, and sand mining. There is no special conservation action in place for G. opilionoides apart from the general regulations affecting protected areas. As a contribution to the conservation of this species, we brought the matter to the attention of the Cameroon Minister of Forest and Wildlife.



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