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Type: Article
Published: 2024-10-17
Page range: 437-447
Abstract views: 104
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Scrobipalpa chardonnayi Huemer and Özden, sp. nov.: a new presumably endemic species from Cyprus (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae)

Tiroler Landesmuseen Betriebsges.m.b.H.; Natural History Collections; Krajnc-Str. 1; A-6060 Hall in Tirol; Austria
Near East University; Faculty of Agriculture; Department of Landscape Architecture; Nicosia; Cyprus; Cyprus Herbarium and Natural History Museum; Near East University; Nicosia; Cyprus
Lepidoptera dNA barcoding endemism gnorimoschemini Mediterranean morphology new record North Cyprus


Scrobipalpa chardonnayi Huemer & Özden, sp. nov. is described from the limestone mountains of northern Cyprus and considered as a possible island endemism. The new species shows closer phylogenetic relationships to S. vasconiella (Rössler, 1877) and some related species, but differs phenotypically and in male and female genitalia, as well as through significant divergences in DNA barcode. Morphologically relevant diagnostic characters are compared and figured. Finally, S. vasconiella is reported from Kyrgyzstan for the first time.



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