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Type: Article
Published: 2024-12-23
Page range: 84-96
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Taxonomic contribution to the knowledge of the genus Indoribates and Lauritzenia (Acari, Oribatida, Haplozetidae), with description of a new species from China

National Natural History Museum of China; Beijing 100050; China
Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution; Institute of Zoology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100101; China; College of Life Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049 China
Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution; Institute of Zoology; Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100101; China; College of Life Sciences; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing 100049 China
Acari oribatid mites morphology taxonomy key Oriental and Palaearctic regions


Oribatid species from China of the genus Indoribates and Lauritzenia are studied, with description of a new species Indoribates (Indoribates) subiasi sp. nov. based on adult materials collected from China. Indoribates (I.) japonicus (Aoki, 1988), I. (Haplozetes) vindobonensis curtipilis (Kunst, 1977), and Lauritzenia (Incabates) nuda (Hammer, 1961), are recorded in China for the first time. A new combination is proposed: Lauritzenia (Incabates) nobilis (Golosova, 1984) comb. nov. (from the genus Cosmobates Balogh, 1959). Two new synonyms are proposed: Indoribates (Haplozetes) vindobonensis curtipilis (= Haplozetes ulykpani Bayartogtokh & Aoki, 1998 syn. nov.) and Indoribates (Indoribates) Jacot, 1929 (= Indoribates (Bihaplozetes) Subías, 2020 syn. nov.). A key to the known species of Indoribates and Lauritzenia from China is also provided.



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