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Type: Article
Published: 2025-01-07
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A new genus and species of lappet moths (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) from Central Asia with notes on the systematics of the family

Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity; Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 100-letiya Vladivostoka avenue; Vladivostok; 690022; Russia.
Institute of plant and animal ecology; Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences; 8th Marta Str. 202/3; Ekaterinburg; 620144 Russia
Russian Entomological Society; Nizhny Novgorod Branch; P.O. Box 97; Nizhny Novgorod 603009; Russia
Lepidoptera bombycoid moths Kyrgyzstan morphology new genus new species nomenclature phylogeny taxonomy


A new genus, Zolotuhia gen. nov., with the type species Zolotuhia paradoxa, sp. nov., from Kyrgyzstan, Talassky Mt. Range, is established in the lepidopteran family Lasiocampidae. The new genus is characterized by a surprising mix of features in the appearance, wing pattern, wing venation, male and female genitalia, shared with different groups of lappet moths. Based on the review of morphology in the Chondrosteginae/Poecilocampinae/Macromphaliinae lineage of Lasiocampidae, a tentative morphological phylogeny of the genera in the Chondrosteginae/Poecilocampidae group is proposed and two new synonyms: Chondrostegidae Tutt, 1902, = Poecilocampinae Tutt, 1902, syn. nov., = Trichiurinae Tutt, 1902, syn. nov., is established. The generic composition of Chondrosteginae s.l. is discussed. For Chondrostegoides nobilorum Zolotuhin, 2007 a new combination is established: Trichiurana nobilorum (Zolotuhin, 2007), comb. nov. For the dorsal dilation of the valve sacculus located lateral to juxta in Lasiocampidae, early inappropriately named as “valve saccular lobe”, a new name “dorso-basal saccular lobe” is offered. Some problems in the morphology, phylogeny and systematics of Lasiocampidae are addressed.



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