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Type: Article
Published: 2025-02-27
Page range: 185-193
Abstract views: 139
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A new species of Lopholeucaspis (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) from China, with a key to the species worldwide

College of Plant Protection; Shanxi Agricultural University; Taigu; Shanxi; 030801; China
College of Plant Protection; Shanxi Agricultural University; Taigu; Shanxi; 030801; China
College of Plant Protection; Shanxi Agricultural University; Taigu; Shanxi; 030801; China
College of Plant Protection; Shanxi Agricultural University; Taigu; Shanxi; 030801; China
College of Plant Protection; Shanxi Agricultural University; Taigu; Shanxi; 030801; China
Hemiptera Coccoidea Coccomorpha armored scale insect taxonomy key


A new species of armored scale insect (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Diaspididae), Lopholeucaspis taiguensis Shen & Wei sp. nov., is described and illustrated from China, based on the morphology of adult females, second-instar females and adult males. A key to the adult females of all the species of Lopholeucaspis is provided.



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