In this contribution to the study of pygmy grasshoppers, we have focused on the subfamily Metrodorinae, making a preliminary differentiation into Metrodorinae s. str., which groups the American taxa, and Metrodorinae s. l., which currently includes taxa from the Old World. The review of the metrodorines focused on taxa from America, Madagascar and adjacent islands, such as the Seychelles and Mascarene Islands. The subfamily Metrodorinae s. str. was delimited, facilitating its differentiation from other subfamilies of Tetrigidae, among which there have historically been difficulties in delimiting and placing some taxa with seemingly intermediate characters. Two new subfamilies closely related to Metrodorinae are described: Guntheritettiginae subfam. nov. (from Madagascar) and Hildegardiinae subfam. nov. (from Mauritius and Reunion). Seven new tribes are established: Metopomystrini trib. nov., Garciaitettigini trib. nov., Otumbini trib. nov. (Metrodorinae s. str.), Pterotettigini trib. nov. (Metrodorinae s. l.), Guntheritettigini trib. nov. and Tumbrinckitettigini trib. nov. (Guntheritettiginae), and Hildegardiini trib. nov. (Hildegardiinae). The tribe Metrodorini is divided into three subtribes: Metrodorina stat. nov., Miriatrina nom. resurr. et stat. nov. and Mucrotettigina nom. resurr. et stat. nov. Twelve new genera are described: Hebardidora gen. nov., Bolivaridora gen. nov., Morseidora gen. nov., Rehniatra gen. nov., Grantiatra gen. nov., Devrieseium gen. nov., Stalitettix gen. nov., Garciaitettix gen. nov., Brunneritettix gen. nov., Guntheritettix gen. nov., Tumbrinckitettix gen. nov., and Storozhenkoium gen. nov. Eleven new species are also described: Platytettix pilosus sp. nov., Cota caxiuana sp. nov., Hebardidora kasaloi sp. nov., Bolivaridora paraensis sp. nov., B. tani sp. nov., B. parisae sp. nov., B. cipolai sp. nov., Grantiatra douglasi sp. nov., Metopomystrum ankeri sp. nov., Garciaitettix mirabilis sp. nov. and Otumba dengi sp. nov. are described. The following new combinations are proposed: Allotettix incomptum (Hebard, 1924), comb. nov., Devrieseium concinnum (Bolívar, 1887), comb. nov., Stalitettix spinifrons (Stål, 1861), comb. nov. (transferred from Otumba), Platytettix gibbosulus (Walker, 1871), comb. nov. (transferred from Amorphopus), Hebardidora harroweri (Hebard, 1924), comb. nov., Hebardidora panamae (Hebard, 1924), comb. nov., Bolivaridora lutosa (Bolívar, 1887), comb. nov., Morseidora acuta (Günther, 1939), comb. nov. (transferred from Metrodora), Rehniatra brevifastigiata (Cadena-Castañeda & Cardona, 2015), comb. nov. (transferred from Miriatra), Brunneritettix fuscipennis (Bruner, 1910), comb. nov. (transferred from Allotettix), Notocerus devriesei (Skejo, Medak, Pavlović, Kitonić, Miko & Franjević, 2020), comb. nov. (transferred from Holocerus), Guntheritettix formidabilis (Günther, 1974), comb. nov. (transferred from Notocerus), Tumbrinckitettix impennis (Günther, 1939), comb. nov. (transferred from Cryptotettix), Storozhenkoium pupula (Bolívar, 1912), comb. nov., Storozhenkoium nymphula (Bolívar, 1912), comb. nov. (transferred from Amphinotus), and Pseudamphinotus punctatus (Chopard, 1958), comb. nov. (transferred from Isandrus). New synonymy is proposed: Danielatettix caudatus (Saussure, 1861) = Allotettix chapadensis Bruner, 1910 syn. nov.; Otumba scapularis Morse, 1900 = Scabrotettix biolleyi Bolívar, 1909 syn. nov.; Pterotettix belphegor (Serville, 1838) = Pterotettix humilis Günther, 1939 syn. nov. = Pterotettix alluaudi Günther, 1939 syn. nov. The following taxa had their status or original combinations restored: Tylotettix Morse, 1900, stat. resurr., Platytettix Hancock, 1906 stat. resurr. (both previously synonymized under Metrodora), Tetticerus Hancock, 1900, stat. resurr. (previously synonymized under Pterotettix), Tylotettix sinuata Morse, 1900 comb. resurr., T. simplex Hebard, 1924 comb. resurr., T. pygmaea Roberts, 1937 comb. resurr., Platytettix reticulatus Hancock, 1906 comb. resurr., P. arcuatus Bruner, 1920 comb. resurr., P. gibbinotus Bruner, 1910 comb. resurr., P. uniformis Bruner, 1910 comb. resurr., and Tetticerus bigibbosus Hancock, 1900 comb. resurr. A neotype was selected for Devrieseium concinnum as well as the lectotypes and paralectotypes for the nine species: Miriatra boliviana Günther, 1939, Miriatra producta (Bolívar, 1887), Otumba amazonica (Bolívar, 1887), Otumba marcapata Hancock, 1907, Otumba quadrata Hancock, 1907, Tumbrinckitettix impennis, Pterotettix andrei Bolívar, 1887, Storozhenkoium pupula, and Storozhenkoium nymphula. The genera Allotettix Hancock, 1899, Crimisus Bolívar, 1887, Cotys Bolívar, 1887, Scabrotettix Hancock, 1907, and Crimisodes Hebard, 1932 are moved to the subfamily Tetriginae, as they fit the characteristics of this subfamily and do not comply with the new definition of Metrodorinae s. str. Keys are provided for differentiating tribes, subtribes, genera, and most species studied. The changes and other taxonomic acts are justified and reflected in two checklists for easy understanding of the changes provided in this contribution. Maps and images of most type specimens and field specimens are also provided, with much of the data included from the identification of museum specimens, literature, and the iNaturalist platform, which provides recent data on some species, many of which have never been seen in their natural habitat, making it an interesting and important tool for monitoring diversity. Finally, the status of Metrodorinae and derived taxa is discussed, reviewing the different statuses and taxonomic concepts of this group of tetrigids, as well as their distribution ranges and habitats in which they inhabit.
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