An integrative taxonomic study on the gobioid fishes of Ashtamudi Lake (a Ramsar Site), Kerala, India revealed the occurrence of 12 species representing 10 genera, including three species of the genus Oxyurichthys. The Arrowfin goby, Oxyurichthys tentacularis, considered as the mainstay of gobioid fisheries in the Lake for over 40 years, represents a clear case of misidentification of O. ophthalmonema. Combined morpho-molecular analysis confirmed, for the first time, the occurrence of Oxyurichthys omanensis in the Indian subcontinent, and from anywhere outside its type locality in the Gulf of Oman. Three additional new records are presented: Exyrias puntang from mainland India, Paratrypauchen microcephalus from the West coast of India, and Istigobius diadema from the southwest coast of India. Intensive region-wise studies, particularly along the western coast of India, are required to better understand the diversity and distribution of estuarine and freshwater gobies.
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