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Type: Article
Published: 2025-03-12
Page range: 29-40
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Two new species of the genus Feltria Koenike, 1892, with notes on the water mite fauna of Kyrgyzstan (Acari, Hydrachnidia)

Department of Biology; University of Montenegro; Cetinjski put b.b.; 81000 Podgorica; Montenegro
Naturalis Biodiversity Center; P.O. Box 9517; 2300 RA Leiden; The Netherlands; Museums Victoria Research Institute; Museums Victoria; GPO Box 666; Melbourne; VIC 3001; Australia
Acari taxonomy new record running waters springs Central Asia


The knowledge of the water mite fauna of Kyrgyzstan is far from complete. In this study, two species, i.e. Feltria (Feltria) kyrgyzica sp. nov., and F. (Feltria) tienshanensis sp. nov., are described new to science; F. (Feltriella) rubra Piersig, 1898 is reported for the first time for Kyrgyzstan. An updated checklist of the water mite fauna of Kyrgyzstan is given, now including 48 species.



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