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Type: Article
Published: 2025-03-13
Page range: 118-130
Abstract views: 110
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First discovery of males of two ambrosia beetle species of Xylosandrus Reitter, 1913 (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae), with their first records from Lao P.D.R

Department of Biological Sciences; Graduate School of Science; Tokyo Metropolitan University; Minami-osawa 1-1; Hachioji; Tokyo 192-0397; Japan.; Entomology Laboratory; Faculty of Agriculture; National University of Lao P.D.R; P.O. Box 7322; Vientiane; Lao P.D.R.
Department of Biological Sciences; Graduate School of Science; Tokyo Metropolitan University; Minami-osawa 1-1; Hachioji; Tokyo 192-0397; Japan.
Department of Biological Sciences; Graduate School of Science; Tokyo Metropolitan University; Minami-osawa 1-1; Hachioji; Tokyo 192-0397; Japan.
Coleoptera genitalia host plant integrative taxonomy Xyleborini


Males of the two species of ambrosia beetle genus Xylosandrus, X. derupteterminatus (Schedl, 1951) and X. eupatorii (Eggers, 1940), both of them are newly recorded from Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao P.D.R), are presented and described for the first time. Diagnostic characters, descriptions including genital morphology, distribution, molecular confirmation of the species identification and biological information including their host plants are provided.



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