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Published: 2025-03-18
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An updated checklist for fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) of India with new species and new distribution records

National Museum of Natural History (NMNH); Ministry of Environment; Forest and Climate Change; New Delhi-110003; India
ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (NBAIR); Bangalore-560024; Karnataka; India
Department of Entomology; University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS); Bangalore-560065; India
Krishibhavan Dharmadam; Palayad P.O.; Thalassery; Kannur-670661; Kerala; India
Diptera Tephritidae checklist fruit flies


An updated checklist for 335 species of fruit flies of India belonging to 97 genera in 22 tribes and 5 subfamilies is provided. A new species of Oedaspis Loew, O. freidbergi David & Singh, sp. nov. is described along with five new records namely Bactrocera gombokensis Drew & Hancock, Chaetellipsis alternata (Zia), Goniurellia persignata Freidberg, Actinoptera reticulata Ito and Terellia serratulae (Linnaeus).



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